Driving Under Influence (DUI) is considered a crime not only in united sates, but across the World. Studies show that every 58 hours, a person is killed by a drunk driver. Thus to curb the vice, the Transportation Code was set for DUI laws and penalties. A person found to be convicted of DUI has to undergo administrative and criminal penalties, which vary depending on the severity of the case. To protect yourself when you face the vice you should arm yourself with a DUI lawyer.
Methods Applied To Examine People Charged By Dui
There are several methods that are applied to confirm if the person is under the influence of a drug.
Testing BAC (Blood Alcohol content): This is the main method adopted to determine the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Variable concentration is valid in different cases. Generally, a person is charged with DUI if the BAC is found to be 0.8% or more. But if the driver is underage, the maximum BAC limits are set to 0.2%. In the case of commercial drivers, the maximum level is held to higher standard of 0.4%.
Another examination testing includes – Field Sobriety Testing and sobriety checkpoints.
Administrative penalties
There are many penalties that you stand to face in the event you are found guilty of breaking the DUI law. These penalties include:
License Revocation
First Offense DUI- 6 months
Second Offense DUI- 12 months
Third Offense DUI- 18 months
The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) revokes license with or after 12 points
First Offense DUI- 12 points
Second Offense DUI- 12 points
Third Offense DUI- 12 points
In addition to revocation of the license, you are also required to install ignition interlock devices in your car. You are required to install the devices depending on your offense.
First Offense DUI- 6 months
Second Offense DUI- 1 year
Third Offense DUI- 3 year
Criminal penalties
The penalties vary depending on the number of prior offenses and the situation, including whether or not children or minor were in the vehicle. The penalties also differ in case of potential offenses like killing or injuring a person on road accident.
First Offense DUI- up to 1 year
Second Offense DUI- up to 2 years
Third Offense DUI- up to 3 years
First Offense DUI- up to $1,000
Second Offense DUI- up to $ 2,000
Third Offense DUI- up to $3,000
If the children were in the car, then,
First Offense DUI- up to 2 years
Second Offense DUI- up to 3 years
Third Offense DUI- up to 4 year
First Offense DUI- up to $2,000
Second Offense DUI- up to $ 3,000
Third Offense DUI- up to $4,000
It’s always good to stay on the right side of the law. To avoid being charged with DUI you should avoid driving under influence. In the event, you are arrested for DUI you should hire a reputable criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court.